I am "sew" excited! I've been picked for the Singer Sew Very Easy House Party. If you have never heard of House Party, you should really check it out. They choose hosts for parties for different products. The hosts get a party pack to help them have a successful party. You get cool free stuff for you and your guests.

I will get to borrow a Singer Confident Stylist 7467 Electronic Sewing Machine. I can't wait to try it out. I am not planning to replace my vintage Husquevarna Viking, but it will be fun to try something high tech.
I will get fabric for my guests to make a project while they are here. They will also get patterns for other projects and coupons for supplies. I'm excited! Did I mention that?
We are also going to make pillow cases for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge through American Patchwork & Quilting.
The pillowcases will be dropped off at The Bobbin Case in Rochester when they are done. They will then be donated to Genesis House,
a youth emergency shelter in Rochester.
This is a 14 bed home-like facility open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The program provides 24 hour supervision, shelter, food, counseling and life skills instruction.
If you live near me and you would like to come to the party, let me know. It will be Sunday, May 8 at 1 pm in Rochester, NY. Just realized this must be mother's day. Oh well.
Congrats on your publication. Thanks for visiting my blog!