Wednesday, March 14, 2012

to can or not to can

I bought a share of winter root veggies from my friend Erin over at Mud Creek Farms last week. I got carrots, parsnips, beets and rutabagas. I planned to can most of the carrots. I started with Better Homes and Gardens Home Canning Cookbook from probably before I was born. Peeled, cut, and ready to go. Aren't they beautiful? They taste as good as they look.
If you have canned before you know what comes next. Fill jars, boil water. seal jars, put in water, wait till they pop. Easy Peasy!
NOT! If you read the chapter on low-acid veggies then you will learn that boiling is not enough. You have to use a pressure canner to bring everything to 240 degrees instead of the usual 212 degrees. This will kill the different bacteria found in these veggies. SWELL!

No problem, my mom has one of those...and it's missing the pressure gauge!  So that leaves me 2 choices.  1. eat all the carrots now or 2. un-can them and freeze instead.  I opted for freezing them all.

So now I have 3 large bags of frozen sliced carrots to eat later.

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