Sunday, May 16, 2010

2010 Convention Album Contest Entry


  1. This came out so beautifully!! What a treasure! :) Christine

  2. Julie, I saw your comment on my BB post. Thank you for such kind words. And thank you for directing me to your blog. Your album is absolutely gorgeous and the photos are amazing. I cannot imagine how you weren't in the top ten! So much beautiful layering and technique! I'm a former quilter with hopes of returning to it some day. I have tons of fabric & patterns stashed away for my "retirement." It's true we all love different forms of art expression, isnt' it? Thank you for posting your album. I love it!

  3. Your album is stunning and while it did not win what a keepsake you have made for your family! You did a great job!

  4. You've created such a fabulous album! So well done!

  5. This is so sweet! Thanks for posting it online. It's amazing! Thanks for all your work.

  6. Wow! Your album is beautiful. I wish they would have displayed ALL the entrants. I kept visiting the table where the top 10 were, but I could never get close enough for a peek. Thanks for sharing yours!

    : )
