Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sewing Giveaway

Sew...I had my house party for Singer. No offense to Singer and their customers but the Confidence Stylist was not my cup of tea. I will stick to my Viking that is 40 years old and made with metal parts. I trust it and it likes me.

Anyhow, I have some freebies left over that I would like to give away to some of my readers.

First we have 2 Simplicity sewing patterns. The skirt pattern includes sizes 6-18. Each pattern is worth $15.95

2. An introduction card to Burdastyle, an online sewing community.

3. A discount card for a subscription to Sew News magazine.

4. a personal measurement chart. handy when adjusting patterns to fit perfectly.

5. three spools of thread (not white)

To enter, tell me the last thing you sewed in a comment. I will pick the winners on June 5th. I say winnerS because I have not 1, not 2, but THREE packages to give away. Good luck friends.


  1. I sewed some gift envelopes yesterday...does this count? And I've been thinking about sewing some summer bags...your first pattern would be perfect for this!

    BTW, I just posted some beeswax tips for you over at my blog,

  2. The last thing I sewed was some pillow cases I embroidered and some curtains.
