Sunday, August 15, 2010


My family went to Maine to visit Mom and "Dad" from August 6th til 11th.  Friday we stayed in Chicopee, MA.

We arrived at their house on Saturday afternoon. Here is the marsh at mid-tide as seen from their front yard.  It is all grass so it looks like a real yard instead of a house in the woods.
This is one of the new pine trees out front.  You can see the house in the back ground.
A walk in their woods turned into the battle of Endor for Timothy with his new model of Anakin's Fighter from Star Wars.
We took the short drive to Popham Beach every day we were there.  Here are the castle builders.
Rebekah running from the surf.  Rebekah and Timothy LOVED the beach and the water.  They were both great about not going in too far.  They ran in the water's edge, hunted for shells, built and crashed castles.
Here is my collection of shells from just one trip to the beach.  I found 10 and a half sand dollars.
Northcreek farms is just up the road.  They have wonderful veggies and flowers and a gift shop and a coffee shop.  It was super cute and the kids even liked it.
They pretended to have a little tea party in the gardens.
At Fort Popham
 Maine Lobstah fah dinnah.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a great time! I'm so glad you all had a nice vacation and getaway :) ~Christine
